9+1 ways to level up your Clubhouse experience and attract more followers

Szilvia László
8 min readFeb 28, 2021

By now, we all heard about Clubhouse, the latest newcomer that has shaken up the social media landscape. As there are already several articles about what Clubhouse is or how to use it (for that, I recommend Dr. Ali Fenwick, P.hD’s excellent article to know more about the app as well as the behavioral science behind it), I would like to show you my favorite tools that will help you to take your room experience to the next level and radically increase the number of your followers.

As Clubhouse’s user base tripled in just two months (it went from 2 million to ten million from January to February 2021, source here), understandably, the creators of the app could not keep up with the development of several needed features. This left a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for creative minds to come up with a wide range of apps from room search to bio generation to help you get the best out of your Clubhouse experience.

1. Find your audience

At the moment, Clubhouse allows its users to search for people or clubs, but it is challenging to explore thematic rooms and events, as the app prioritizes rooms created by people or clubs you already follow.

ClubSearch solves this problem by creating an app where you can search for any room based on different keywords. It even adds it to your Google calendar so you don’t miss any interesting conversation.

Clubserach allows you to search for rooms. Source: clubsearch.io

Another tool, Rooms of Clubhouse also lets you search open rooms but it is a bit more sophisticated. You can filter by topics, description as well as language. This helps you to discover new rooms and people within your interest.

Example of rooms that have “innovation” in their description. Source: roomsofclubhouse.com

2. Manage your rooms

Host Notes takes your plain Clubhouse event and transforms it into an event super-space. Collect RSVPs, tips, set an agenda, establish event rules, share relevant links, and much more all in a single click.

You can manage your events easily with Host Notes. Source: gethostnotes.com

The app lets event owners take their Clubhouse events to a new level. Among others, you can:

📌 See who is attending your event via the RSVP system
📌Set a meeting agenda, so you and your audience know what is up for discussion
📌 Set event rules and guidelines
📌 Leave event summaries, reviews, and start discussions about a specific event

Moreover, they are working on a fully built Club management aspect to host private events, collect membership dues, customer questionnaires for member onboarding, and a built-in newsletter feature.

3. Moderate your rooms

Another interesting Clubhouse management platform is called Direcon. It is designed for people who moderate rooms on Clubhouse and have already faced a lack of insights about their rooms and limited moderation options.

It offers information about room and audience insights, as well as moderation possibilities.

An example of room an audience insights created by the Direcon app. Source: direcon.com

Clubhouse does not have a public API yet, but the Direcon team worked before with Twitter’s and Instagram’s public API’s, therefore they try to develop features that they believe will be supported eventually by the public API Clubhouse once it is released.

The tool is free to use, but they only let users in if they are a moderator in a room to avoid them performing activities that could be uninvited by Clubhouse.

4. Optimize your event links

Clublink helps you to optimize your appearance when you share an event link on social media. It lets your audience see more clearly who will speak, when and about what topic.

Promoting your talks in advance on social media is one of the key strategies to gain attention before the event and guarantee a solid audience. As more and more users gaining access to the app, it is becoming more challenging to gain their attention and attract a huge audience.

Clublink helps you to advertise your events more efficiently. Source: Clublink.to

5. Share resources

Clubhouse is a great platform to discuss ideas, yet it is very limited on other things such as resource sharing.

Not anymore. Inspired by bank digit numbers and the popular quiz platform Kahoot, the Shorten.club guys created a URL shortener that converts buckets/lists into 6-digit numbers. In that way, you can easily share resources with your audience during your talk.

Currently, you can create links or notes with the app. You can add, update, and delete those resources even after you share them with your audience.

An example of a list of movies created by the app. Source: shorten.club

This app relieves you the pain of spelling URLs by voice in a language that might not be your or your audience’s mother tongue. Personally, I am terrible at spelling in English, so for me, it is a huge relief that this app exists.

6. Record your events

At the moment, Clubhouse does not allow you to record events, so once you missed the event, you missed it for good. The creators of Clubrecorder solved this problem by creating an app that allows you to request a room or event to be recorded so that you can listen to it when you want.

Clubrecorder lets your record events so you don’t miss your favorite speaker. Source: clubrecorder.com

You can make a request by going to their website and filling out a Typeform with the event information that you would like to be recorded. The best is to fill it 24 hours before the event to make sure that your request is processed. After the event, they will send the recording to your e-mail address given in the Typeform.

7. Engage with your audience

It can happen at some event that the room is too big to engage efficiently with your audience. With AskClubhouse, listeners can ask questions without coming to the stage. It’s also a great way to allow users, who don’t want to come up live (e.g. because of being stressed, or not speaking well in a particular language) to still contribute to the discussion.

AskClubhouse allows your audience to ask questions without the need to take the stand. Source: askclub.house

Simply create a board before the event, link it to your Clubhouse room, and share the link with your audience.

8. Create a bio that stands out

In my own experience, editing your bio in the Clubhouse app is quite uncomfortable. The editing space is small, and there is no possibility to add emojis (or at least I could not.)

Use Clubhouse Bio Builder to create your own bio. It allows you to use 70 different fonts to craft a bio that catches the eye immediately and gives you ample space so you can better oversee the spacing of the text.

If you need some inspiration, use the Clubhouse Bio Generator app. It contains a wide variety of samples that you can simply edit, copy and then paste into your Clubhouse profile.

Screenshots about different bios auto-generated by the Clubhouse Bio Generator app

9. Create a profile picture that catches the eye

Stand out from the crowd by adding colorful rings or eye-catching layouts to your profile picture. For this, the best application on the market right now is Crofile. Apart from adding a colorful ring to your profile picture, you can also add different layouts to express your mood, status, organizations you are part of (such as universities etc), and other funny frames to raise attention.

Add different layouts to indicate if you can’t speak or if you are a moderator

✅ PRO TIP: Creative and funny avatar pictures will definitely attract the attention of fellow listeners who will more likely check your bio and follow you. Not to mention that it can also increase your chance of being noticed and called to the stand, or on the contrary, not to be called to the stand when you are busy.

Funny and eye-catching avatars will definitely divert attention to your profile

If you would like to apply a more special border to your avatar, I absolutely suggest you try Border for Clubhouse. You can combine a wide variety of different borders and colours, the limit is really only your imagination.

You can create elegant and creative borders for your avatar with the Border for Clubhouse app



Want to live up your Clubhouse room? Then make sure you check out Clubpad, which is an awesome soundboard of different reaction sounds to spice up the room!

How to use it?

Launch Clubpad on a device with speakers (laptop, desktop, tablet, etc), Hold your phone up to speakers, Trigger sounds, Voila!

If you want to stop the sound, simply use the space bar to stop it.

Some of the sounds in the app:

👏 Applauses for showing love

📣 DJ horn for the mic drop

🥁 Drumrolls for the big reveal

🎷 …and even the famous sexy saxophone theme

Clubpad allows its users to add different sound effects to the conversations. Source: https://www.clubpad.co/


💰 If you would like to know how to make money with Clubhouse, check out my article here

✅ Lifehack #1: If you haven’t received a Clubhouse invite yet, try this Clubhouse invite group on Telegram. I haven’t tested it but it is worth a shot if you don’t know anybody who is on the app.

✅ Lifehack #2: If you don’t have iOS, you can download a non-official version for Android here (it was reverse engineered by a Russian software engineer). It will allow you to register (you still need an invite) and join rooms and listen to conversations. (the app is a bit buggy but worth trying).

🔊 Let me know in the comments if you have found one of the above tools useful! Also, if you know any other cool app that is not on the list feel free to link it in the comments.

About the author

Szilvia is an innovation and technology enthusiast. She writes about innovative tools that empower companies and individuals to stand out, boost productivity and bring the best out of their business.

She is currently focusing on topics such as automation, product creation and management, innovation management, and professional networking applications.

👉 If you find my content useful, contact me on LinkedIn, or find me on Twitter or check out my website.

☕ You can also pay me a coffee if you think my work is useful. 😊

Aaand of course:



Szilvia László

Automation and technology enthusiast, I blog about how innovative tools can unleash the potential of your business. More on szilvialaszlo.com.